Ä draakonite fanclub (2:490/36.3614) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ A.FAN.DR Ä Msg : 1557 of 1765 From : heart of glass Tue 08 Oct 96 06:28 To : All Tue 08 Oct 96 07:05 Subj : Re: This is a crazy world I live in! ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ death is a beautiful black dragon, she's very sleepy. sometimes she likes a companion to share her dreams with, (such beautiful and *terrible* dreams she has) so she draws her sleepblanket over them and they slowly.. slowly.. drift off.. into the smoke.. she's a friend of mine. ~~dragon of death~~ (for greffindel) death is a beautiful dragon with eyes like a white-hot flame, near the end she lifts her head and calls us all by name. death, she sleeps upon a pile of useless gems and gold, each one a memory of heroic deeds and a story left untold. for she claims the greatest warriors and the lovely maidens fair and, in the end, we all retreat to death's dark, smokey lair. young and old she calls us in to join her never-ending sleep for she longs for another companion to fill the endless deep. so, when you hear the calling drift across the moor, welcome the dark eternities and take death's outstretched claw. then you'll see the black dragon with eyes like a white-hot flame, and then she'll raise her beautiful head and call you by your name. and the flowers will wither in her presence and the wind will begin to cry, they are wondering and they are mourning for you, the very next light to die. --rae ___ _,__......,,,/''''''' (_ /-._ _, _/\-^~~ ~~^--/\___, (_ -``~-_`\ o-,____.*) \_._,-/`~ -, -,~~^~-/\---_,_(.__.__`; ) _ `,_......._____,-,---__,\_________,-,---__,\____________________.,'__ email:gemma@g-dav.demon.co.uk webpage:http://www.g-dav.demon.co.uk/jude/ DC.D/P/U/V/H/! Cazur f--- s--- h--- a $--- --- GoodGate 0.99 * Origin: Goodwin BBS, Tallinn, Estonia (2:490/20)